Prepositions are important words that are used to link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words within a sentence. They are used to convey the relationship between the object of the preposition and other words in the sentence. Pick a preposition, then start a sentence with it or contain it within a sentence. Here are some examples to help you get started:
- Under the pale moonlight, she tiptoed through the abandoned mansion, her heart racing.
- The secret treasure was hidden under the ancient oak tree, waiting to be discovered.
- Between the pages of her diary, she poured out her deepest secrets and desires.
- The tension between the two rival gangs reached its peak, threatening to ignite a violent war.”
- Behind the closed doors, he plotted his revenge, his mind consumed by darkness.
- The mysterious figure lurked behind the curtains, observing every move with sinister intent.
- Across the vast ocean, they embarked on a perilous journey in search of a new beginning.
- The graffiti artist left his mark across the city, turning dull walls into vibrant works of art.
- Within the depths of her soul, a flicker of hope remained, refusing to be extinguished.
- The ancient artifact held a hidden power within, capable of changing the course of history.”
- À la: In the style of.
- Ablow: below or beneath.
- Abeam: at the side of.
- Aboard: On or in a vehicle, aircraft, or ship.
- Aboon: Above.
- About: Concerning; regarding.
- Above: In or to a higher place; over.
- Abreast: Side-by-side
- Abroad: In or to a foreign country; outside one’s own country.
- Absent: Not present in a place or at an event.
- According To: As stated by; in accordance with.
- Across: On the other side of; from one side to the other.
- Adrift: floating without direction.
- Aft: toward or near the stern of a ship.
- After: at or during the time following something.
- Afterward(s): happening at a time subsequent to a reference point.
- Against: in opposition or resistance to something.
- Ago: in the past.
- Aground: Positioned on the ground/shore, typically due to the tide or lack of speed.
- Ahead: in or toward the front or future.
- Ahead of: preceding in time or order.
- Aloft: high in the air.
- Along: in a line or in parallel with something.
- Along with: in addition to something.
- Alongside: near or beside something.
- Although: used to introduce a statement that contrasts with a previous statement.
- Amid: in the middle of something.
- Amidst: surrounded by something.
- Among: in the middle of a group of things or people.
- Amongst: surrounded by a group of things or people.
- Anent: concerning or regarding something.
- Anti: against or opposite.
- Apart: separated by a distance or interval of space.
- Apart from: excluding or not including something.
- Around: in a circular direction.
- As: in the same way as something.
- As Far As: Up to a certain point or extent.
- As Per: According to or in accordance with.
- As To: Regarding or concerning.
- As Well As: In addition to or along with.
- Ashore: on or to the shore of a body of water.
- Aside: To the side or out of the way.
- Aside from: Apart from or except for.
- Aslant: At an angle or slanting.
- Astern: behind or at the back.
- Astride: With a leg on each side.
- At: In or near a particular place or position.
- At Large: On a large scale.
- At Least: No less than.
- At Once: Immediately.
- At The Behest Of: done at the request of or with the permission of someone.
- Atop: On top of or above.
- Away: In a different location or direction.
- Away From: Not in the vicinity or presence of.
- Back: in or toward a past time or state.
- Back To: To return to.
- Backward(s): in the opposite direction of forward.
- Bar: Except for; excluding.
- Barring: Except for or unless.
- Because Of: Due to or as a result of.
- Before: Prior to or in front of.
- Beforehand: in advance; beforehand.
- Behind: At the back of or in the rear of.
- Below: lower than.
- Beneath: directly under.
- Beside: at the side of.
- Besides: in addition to.
- Between: in the middle of.
- Betwixt: between two things.
- Beyond: farther away than.
- But: except for.
- But for: if not for.
- By: next to.
- By means of: through the use of.
- By Now: Up to this point in time.
- Chez: at the house of.
- Circa: approximately.
- Close To: Near or adjacent to.
- Concerning: Related to.
- Considering: Thinking about or taking into account.
- Contrary To: Opposite to or in opposition to.
- Counter To: Opposed to.
- Counting: Including or taking into account.
- Cum: With.
- Dehors: Outside or beyond.
- Depending On: Based on or determined by.
- Despite: In spite of or in the face of.
- Down: Toward a lower place or position.
- Downhill: in a direction or slope that is downward.
- Downstage: towards or nearer the audience in a theater.
- Downstairs: on or to a lower floor of a building.
- Downstream: in the direction of the current of a stream or river.
- Downward(s): toward a lower place, point, or level.
- Downwind: in the direction that the wind is blowing.
- Due To: Caused by or resulting from.
- During: Throughout the duration of.
- East: the direction towards the rising sun
- Eastward(s): the direction of moving towards the east
- Effective: Having a result or impact.
- Ere: Before; prior to.
- Except: Excluding; not including.
- Except For: With the exception of.
- Excepting: Excluding; not including.
- Excluding: Not including; leaving out.
- Failing: In the absence or lack of.
- Far: At a great distance.
- Far From: Not close to; distant from.
- Far Within: Deeply inside; at a great depth.
- Following: After; in the time or order that comes next.
- For: In support of; in favor of.
- For The Sake Of: done in order to achieve a particular goal or purpose.
- For Want Of: due to the lack of something.
- Forth: forward in time or space
- Forby: In addition to; besides.
- Forward(s): in the direction of the front
- From: Starting at a certain point or place.
- Further to: In addition to; furthermore.
- Further from: At a greater distance from.
- Given: Considering; taking into account.
- Gone: No longer present; departed.
- Granted: Assuming that.
- Heavenward(s): towards the sky
- Hence: For this reason; therefore; from this place or time.
- Henceforth: from now on
- Here: in this place
- Hereby: by means of this
- Herein: in this document or place
- Hereof: of this
- Hereto: to this
- Herewith: with this
- Home: to one’s residence
- Homeward(s): towards one’s home
- In: Something that is happening or existing within a certain place or time.
- In Accordance With: Something that is in agreement with a specific rule or standard.
- In Addition To: Something that is in addition to the main item or element.
- In An Instant: Immediately.
- In Between: Something that is located between two other things.
- In Case Of: A situation in which a particular action is needed.
- In Compliance With: done in accordance with a rule or law.
- In Face Of: Something that is occurring in spite of opposition or difficulty.
- In Favor Of: Indicate support or approval of something.
- In Front Of: Indicate something that is located in front of something else.
- In Lieu Of: Something that is substituted or chosen in place of another.
- In Light Of: A situation or event that is considered in order to make a decision.
- In Place Of: Something that is substituted or chosen in place of another.
- In Return: As a result.
- In Spite Of: Something that is occurring in spite of opposition or difficulty.
- In To: Denote movement towards a certain place or thing.
- In View Of: Something that has been taken into account in order to make a decision.
- In With: used to express that two or more people or things are in the same place.
- Inboard: inside or towards the center of a ship.
- Included In: Used to indicate something that is included in a larger group or set.
- Including: Something that is included among a list of other items.
- Indoors: inside a building
- Inside: Something that is located within a certain place or thing.
- Instead of: Something that is being substituted or chosen in place of another.
- Intil: Until. A certain point in time up to which something is expected to occur.
- Into: Used to indicate movement towards a certain place or thing.
- Inward(s): towards the inside
- Leftward(s): towards the left
- Less: Not as much as.
- Lest: For fear that.
- Like: Similar to.
- Mid: In the middle of.
- Malgre: Despite.
- Minus: Subtraction of.
- Modulo: With respect to the remainder.
- Natheless: Nevertheless.
- Near: Close to.
- Near To: In close proximity to.
- Next: Following in order.
- Next To: Adjacent to.
- North: Toward the northern direction.
- Northeast: Toward the northeast direction.
- Northward(s): Toward the north direction.
- Northwest: Toward the northwest direction.
- Notwithstanding: In spite of.
- Now: At this moment.
- O’er: An archaic term for ‘over.’
- Of: Expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.
- Off: Away from a place or thing.
- Off Of: A colloquial way of saying ‘off.’
- Offshore: Away from the shore.
- On: Resting on a surface or in contact with something.
- On Account Of: Because of or due to something.
- On Behalf Of: Acting as a representative for someone or something.
- On Board: On or in a vehicle.
- On To: Moving onto the next step or stage.
- On Top Of: Situated above something else.
- Onto: Moving to a place or position.
- Onward(s): Forward in time or space.
- Opposite: Facing, directly across from.
- Other Than: Apart from, not including.
- Out: Away from the inside or center.
- Out From: Away from a specific place.
- Out Of: Away from the inside or center of a place.
- Outdoors: Out in the open air.
- Outside: Away from the inside or center.
- Outward(s): Toward the outside.
- Over: Above or higher than something else.
- Overboard: Over the edge of a ship.
- Overcross: to cross over something.
- Overhead: Above the head.
- Overland: Across land.
- Overseas: Across the sea.
- Owing To: due to.
- Pace: Speed.
- Past: before.
- Pending: awaiting.
- Per: for each.
- Pertaining To: Relating to.
- Plus: in addition to.
- Post: after.
- Pre: before.
- Preparatory To: in preparation for.
- Prior To: before.
- Pro: in favor of.
- Provided: On condition that.
- Providing: As long as.
- Pursuant To: In accordance with.
- Qua: as.
- Rather Than: Instead of.
- Re: concerning.
- Regarding: about.
- Regardless Of: despite.
- Rightward(s): Toward the right.
- Round: around.
- Round About: Approximately.
- Seaward(s): Toward the sea.
- Short: Of a lesser duration.
- Since: from a point in time.
- Skyward(s): Toward the sky.
- South: Toward the southern direction.
- Southeast: Toward the southeast direction.
- Southward(s): Toward the south direction.
- Southwest: Toward the southwest direction.
- Subsequent To: After.
- Such As: For example.
- Supposing: Assuming.
- Than: used to compare two things.
- Thanks to: expressing appreciation for something.
- Then: At that time.
- Thence: From that place.
- Thenceforth: From then on.
- There: At that place.
- Thereby: As a result of that.
- Therein: Inside that.
- Thereof: Of that.
- Thereto: To that.
- Therewith: Along with that.
- Through: from one end to the other.
- Throughout: everywhere in a particular area.
- Thru: a variant of ‘through.’
- Thruout: Throughout.
- Till: up to a certain point in time.
- Times: multiplied by a certain number.
- To: expressing direction or movement.
- Together: In a group.
- Together With: in combination with.
- Touching: in contact with.
- Toward: in the direction of something.
- Towards: variant of ‘toward.’
- Under: lower than something else.
- Underboard: Under the ship.
- Underfoot: Beneath one’s feet.
- Underground: Below the surface of the ground.
- Underneath: located below something else.
- Unlike: not like something else.
- Until: up to a certain point in time.
- Unto: a variant of ‘until.’
- Up: in a higher place.
- Up Until: up to a certain point in time.
- Uphill: Towards an elevated position.
- Upon: a variant of ‘on.’
- Upstage: At or towards the back of a theatrical stage.
- Upstairs: To or on a higher floor of a building.
- Upstream: In the opposite direction to the flow of a river.
- Upward(s): Towards a higher position or level.
- Upwind: In the direction of the wind.
- Versus: in opposition or contrast to.
- Via: through the medium of.
- Vice: In place of.
- Vis-À-Vis: Face to face or in comparison with.
- Wanting: Lacking or missing.
- West: The direction to the left of one facing north.
- Westward(s): Towards the west.
- Whence: From where.
- Whereby: By which.
- Wherein: In which.
- Whereto: To which.
- Wherewith: With which.
- Whilst: At the same time as.
- With: Accompanied by.
- With A View Of: Taking into account or considering.
- With A View To: Aiming or intending.
- With Reference To: Referring or concerning.
- With Regard To: Regarding or concerning.
- Within: Inside the limits or boundaries of.
- Without: Not having or accompanied by.
- Worth: Having a certain value or worth.